Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mat Ropi shows potential

FINAL SUPER 4 (Title belt and Piala Exco Pelancongan)
(KO 2nd round)-exerped from Boxxtomoi

Mat Ropi was knocked out in the second round, through a knee to his stomach. But according to his coaches he shows a lot of potential. He has only been training with the Malaysian Tigers for 5 days and after watching his performance tonight we are sure he will go far.

Above,Mat Ropi
When we scout for fighters, we aren't necessarily looking for athletes who are at their peak now. We are looking for athletes who show the most potential to improve and develop. From there, will provide them with the best coaches and training conditions.


Anonymous said...

mat ropi masuk tigers bila?

boxxlost said...

mna muka mat ropinye. tunjuk badan hg tgk sendirila.

Anonymous said...

ali, pejal, ejo bukan tgh peak ke? hamdan ada potential ke?

Osysnet said...

Kalau tak silap saya, saya telah menulis- tak semestinya fighter itu 'peak' pada masa pemilihan. Tetapi kalau fighter itu 'peak' kemungkinan besar kami akan memilihnya juga. Jurulatih kami memang mempunyai kriteria pemilihan yang tertentu.

Jangan lupa Hamdan Mokhtar adalah antara fighter muaythai Malaysia yang ternama beberapa tahun lepas. Dia memiliki 9 belt kejohanan dan telah banyak kali dipilih best fighter di kejohanan tempatan. Kami telah memilihnya atas kriteria ini. Kami berharap dengan latihan yang lengkap mungkin dia dapat mengulangi dan mengatasi pencapaian lamanya.
