Good News to all fighters and Muaythai enthusiasts out there:-
We are pleased to announce the Ultimate Muaythai Warriors competition. Working in conjunction with the Ministry of Youth & Sports and several other agencies, events will be held in July and August this year in various states throughout Malaysia to find the best Muaythai fighters in our country.
This event will run in accordance with rules and regulations of the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur or IFMA. IFMA is the world governing body for Amateur Muaythai and is recognised by the Global Association of Sports Federations or GAISF. IFMA Muaythai is among the selected sports competed in the SEA Games.
This is your chance to prove you are Malaysia's best!
I will post more info on the Ultimate Muaythai Warriors shortly.

Gambar ini menunjukkan Mohd Ali memakai 'perlindungan badan' mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh IFMA.
Berita yang baik untuk semua ahli-ahli Muaythai di seluruh Malaysia!
Pada bulan Julai dan August tahun ini, akan diadakan Pertandingan 'Ultimate Muaythai Warriors Malaysia'. Dengan kerjasama Kementerian Belia & Sukan dan beberapa agensi yang lain kami akan ke mengadakan pertandingan di seluruh negara untuk mencari ahli-ahli Muaythai yang terhandal di Malaysia.
Pertandingan ini akan dijalankan mengikut peraturan IFMA, iaitu badan induk untuk sukan Muaythai Amatur. IFMA Muaythai diiktiraf GAISF dan dipertandingkan dalam Sukan SEA.
Mari tunjukkan anda adalah pahlawan Muaythai yang terhandal di Malaysia!!
Saya akan keluarkan informasi yang lebih terperinci sebentar lagi.
Invitation open to all Muaythai Clubs throughout Malaysia!
Kami mempelawa semua ahli kelab-kelab Muaythai dari seluruh Malaysia
Those in Kelantan, KL, Kulim, Ipoh,
should flock to other states to compete. Competition is easier coz' no muaythai gyms.
Is it open to everyone?
Are professional fighters like the boxxwarriors and muaythai tigers
taking part? I hope not.
This should be strictly amateur.
Yes it's open to everyone. Anyone who has a martial arts background and feels they can handle IFMA rules.
I think if we exclude the Malaysian Tigers and Boxxwarriors, how can we say we chose the best to represent our country? And this includes anyone out there who feels they are good but have been overlooked. We are looking for you!
Fyi all pro fighters can fight in IFMA Championships as long as they are not ranked with WMC or any Thai Stadium.
World Champions such as Buakow, Kychenko, Slowinsky .....etc, all came from IFMA
Fighting in full protective gear will not give any advantage to pro muay thai boxer. This is totally new game, other martial art that uses these gear during their competition have more advantage!
As such if any of the tigers or boxxwarriors or other MT gym took part in this competition should not be seen as advantage to us.
- thank you
dah macam tekwando lak kena pakai semua...
Yo.. bila pertandingan ni di adakan?? ultimate warrior da di lupuskan ker? apasal xda lagi pertandingan cam dlu? da ada guard da.. syok ler cmni.. hahaha..
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